How to Guides

Scene Description in Screenplays: The Ultimate Guide

When I first started writing screenplays, I was told, your scene description is the lifeblood of your script. It’s more important than other aspects of your script, such as dialogue—words given from people like Aaron sworkin and David Mamet.  What’s the Purpose of Scene Descriptions? What’s the purpose of scene description in screenplays? The purpose of scene […]

How to Write Facial Expressions in Screenplays

After explaining emotions on this blog, I realized that there is more to them than that.  Facial expressions can have an impact.  How to write facial expressions in screenplays? You write facial expressions in a script by describing the emotional action associated with the facial expression you’re trying to portray. Example: Describing smiling. Don’t write this: Sarah […]

How to Write Emotions in Screenplays

When I wrote my first feature, I got a note I never thought I would get.  We cant see this? Describe this emotion in a way we can see.  Script reader After reading serval professional scripts, it finally clicked.  How do you write emotions in a screenplay? Through character action. You write emotions in a […]

How to Sell a Screenplay to Lifetime

You’ve written a screenplay with the kind of high drama that would be perfect for a Lifetime movie or TV series. You’d love to put your writing into the hands of a Lifetime exec, but you’re sure there’s a lot of red tapes to get through. How do you sell your screenplay to Lifetime? To […]

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